Works With Schoolwork
Teachers use the Schoolwork app to add TurboWords spelling lists to an assignment. They receive progress information, test score and games played.
Teacher instructions
It's quick and easy for a teacher to set up:
Open the app "TurboWords Parent/Teacher Edition" on iPad or iPhone.
Create a new group and record words. The app recognizes the words so they don't have to be typed.
Tap the share button, choose "Save To Files", iCloud Drive. This will create a TurboWords file.
In SchoolWork, create a new assignment and add the TurboWords file.
Choose "Each student can edit their own file" and publish the assignment.
That's it. You'll receive information as students progress.
Student Instructions
Each student need a copy of the app "TurboWords Student Edition" installed on their iPad.
In the Schoolwork assignment, tap the Open button near the TurboWords icon. TurboWords Student Edition opens.
You can play games or take the test. The test has many learning aids to help you spell the word correctly: text-to-speech, interactive animal character, hint button and green/red highlighting.
As words are spelled correctly in the test, progress is updated in Schoolwork. To know which words remains to be spelled correctly, use the switch "Exclude learnt words".
When progress is 100% (all words spelled correctly), the Final Test is unlocked. Here, the test is without any aid, and all the words are asked. At the end of the test, tap the Submit button. This will display the test score and submit it to Schoolwork.
The number of games fully played is recorded in Schoolwork.
The final test may be taken in class. The day, time and hour of the final test is recorded in Schoolwork, so teachers can verify it was effectively done during the time of the class test.
Teachers can open each student's copy, to see which words were misspelled (red lights under "last results" column) and see games scores.
Many TurboWords files can be added to an assignment. Each file appears as one activity.